

B.A.S.E. (Biodiversity Agriculture Soil and Environment) is an association of professionals passionate about conservation agriculture, anxious to examine their practices and curious to understand the functioning of the ecosystem of agricultural soil. It is an exchange network of innovative farmers and technicians.




ILEIA, the Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, is an independent organization that supports agroecological approaches and family farming. ILEIA builds knowledge through documentation and systematization, publishes Farming Matters magazine, and engages in advocacy in order to contribute to farmers' resilience and the improvement of their development options. All information produced by ILEIA is freely available to all who wish to use and/or reproduce it. As the secretariat of the AgriCultures Network, ILEIA ensures coordination and coherence of network strategies and activities.



The MakeSense community is partner of Neo-Agri for the AgriSenseTour

MakeSense designed an accessible and structured approach to social entrepreneurs around the world to address their strategic and operational challenges, drawing on the collective intelligence of a global network of citizens ready to participate and put their skills and creativity for social change. To do this, MakeSense has implemented an open internet platform for the citizen sector to discover the needs of social entrepreneurs and to mobilize volunteers to respond to them.




RESOLIS (Research and Evaluation of Innovative and Social Solutions) is an association that seeks to identify, evaluate and highlight innovative field actions that promote social progress. All around the world, associations, NGOs, corporate foundations and public structures work towards social progress. They create a lot of precious information and know-how which forms the basis for a great number of social innovations. RESOLIS’ goal is to validate and disseminate all these experiences according to a scientific approach with very specific criteria. Website:


Terre de Liens Pays de la Loire
Terre de Liens Pays de la Loire was created in March 2010, driven by organic farmers, consumers and agricultural sector actors supporting organic and peasant agriculture, with a common goal: promoting collective access to agricultural land and accompany, support and establish organic farmers in les Pays de la Loire. Terre de Liens works in three complementary directions: to create, initiate and support the tackling of the land availability issue at the regional level by raising public (films, debates, stands, conferences, ...) and regional government awareness( meetings, conferences); help managing the land component of farm installation or  organic farmers keep their land, primarily concerning administrative, legal and methodological aspects: advise farm project leaders, land and project evaluation, redirection, advice … and promote collective purchase of agricultural land.




Gustolab International Institute for Food Studies is the first center of study and research in Italy dedicated to academic programs on the theme of Food Sudies.

Website :


LLOOF is an eLearning Platform designed as an online open educational resource (OER) for adult learners about organic food production, entrepreneurship, volunteering and cultural exchange on farm enterprises.
